Types of Mollies: Choose from 8 Most Popular One
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Molly fish are one of the common freshwater fish. Everyone loves to keep them in a community tank due to their nature and low maintenance.
However, you can find hundreds of molly fish in a fish market. It is quite frustrating to choose which one will suit your aquarium of those types. So this article will tell you the 8 most popular types of molly fish among them.
This list is basically made by focusing on the appearance and popularity of each type of mollies. So without wasting time let’s dive deep into the topic.
8 Most Popular Types of Molly Fish
1. Balloon Belly Molly

Balloon belly molly is probably the most popular molly species in the world. It is famous mainly for its appearance. People call this molly the name of balloon belly because of its round belly.
Apparently, it may seem that it is pregnant (as mollies are livebearers), however, actually it is not the real case. It grows not more than 3 inches long.
This molly is popular because it appears in a vast color range. You can choose any one of them. Mainly yellow-colored balloon belly molly is very famous among the fishkeepers.
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2. Black Molly

Another best type of molly is called black mollies and this is very popular worldwide. They are given such names because of their solid black-colored appearance.
If you want to keep black mollies then a planted tank is the most suitable. Java fern, Java moss, and Amazon sword can be some good choices for black mollies. Black mollies and plants complement each other. The contrast of the tank will be enhanced automatically.
You must know that black mollies are kinda aggressive in nature. Males are more aggressive than females. So you should be aware of the ratio of gender in a community tank. Generally, one male black should get three females. It will reduce the aggression level.
3. Gold Doubloon Molly

Gold doubloon molly is popular for its appearance and color combination. They appear in yellow and black colors together.
Gold doubloon molly looks so amazing if you consider keeping it in the community tank. They have got a black colored tail and this color extended to half of their body. The upper part of their body is yellow. In some cases, you may notice some black spots on the upper part of the body. They are named royal gold doubloon molly.
Gold doubloon mollies need at least a 20-gallon tank to live healthily. For them, floating plants are the best. You should keep 1 male with 3 females.
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4. Sailfin Molly

Which molly fish has a large dorsal fin called sailfin molly. Now, this type of mollies is very popular because of its size. If you want a medium-sized aquarium then sailfin molly can be a great choice.
Sailfin mollies are especially herbivores. They prefer to eat algae and plant matter. So try to keep a tank under the sun for some time. Algae will grow quickly in this case. However, it is not mandatory if you provide quality algae wafers.
Male sailfin mollies are prettier than females. Males have larger dorsal fins and they use these to impress females for mating. You can get sailfin mollies in a variety of colors.
5. Golden Sailfin Molly

Golden sailfin molly is another good-looking fish for a community tank. This is very popular because of its appearance and nature. This fish belongs to the coastal areas of North America.
The name of this fish tells us that it is an orange-bodied fish. Not only that but you can notice a slight red tint at the bottom of their throat. Moreover, their dorsal fins are larger than other mollies.
Golden sailfin molly prefers to live in hard water. You may not believe that golden sailfin molly can live in both freshwater and saltwater. But it’s true. However, acclimation should be perfect in this case.
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6. Lyretail Dalmatian Molly

If you are not very fond of black or golden colors then you can try to keep lyretail dalmatian molly fish in your aquarium. They are very unique and due to their uniqueness, they are often called marbled molly.
They appear with white as a base color with black patterns on it. It looks fantastic in a molly-only community tank. They embellish the aquarium so well with their appearance and activities. Some lyretail dalmatian mollies have a long extended part of the tail at the bottom. The density of black patterns depends on species to species.
To take care of lyretail dalmatian molly is very simple. They grow up to 5 inches long so they need ample space for swimming. You can start with 30-gallon for this molly fish.
7. Liberty Molly

If you want to keep the rarest molly breed in your tank then you can try liberty mollies. They are not available everywhere in the world. So you have to work hard to find them.
Despite being a rare species, they aren’t as colorful as other mollies. However, male liberty mollies show much more coloration than females. Mainly their body comes in silvery-white color. Not only that but you can find bluish or orangish patterns on their body.
Liberty mollies are one of the best short-finned fish. However, according to some aquarists, liberty mollies have lost their popularity just because of their aggressive nature. Don’t forget to keep a lid because they have a tendency to jump from the water.
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8. Creamsicle Lyretail Molly

Creamsicle lyretail molly is not very common but popular among fish keepers because of its appearance. They are very eye-soothing for a community tank.
This fish mainly appears with light orange/creamy color. You can find a white tint on the belly portion of this fish. These fish can go with platy fish very well in a planted aquarium.
Creamsicle lyretail molly is slightly aggressive in nature. So you must provide them with ample swimming space. The most important fact about these fish is they just grab food and stay there for some time.
These fish seem just like little butterflies inside the tank. They prefer to stay just under the floating plants. So you must add some Amazon frogbit or duckweed for them for sure.
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Final Thoughts
This article has discussed the 8 most popular types of molly fish. Still, there are hundreds of types that you can find online. However, these are the most preferable for aquarists all over the world.
You must know the basic care guide of every molly fish is almost similar. So you choose any one of them for your community tank. Planted tanks for mollies are a must.
It is believed that molly only consumes plant matter and algae. However, it’s not completely true. They are omnivorous. You must provide them with quality food to keep them alive for a long period of time.
Best of luck and happy fish-keeping.
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