Types of Betta Fish: 7 Popular Patterns with Pictures
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In the world, you can find thousands of types of betta fish. Some are differentiated by colors or some are differentiated by their tails. However, in this article, we will discuss the various patterns of betta fish.
The betta fish is very much popular among fish keepers. Some of them start their fishkeeping hobby by keeping betta. Now for them, it is quite confusing to identify their types. So here in this article, we are going to discuss the top 7 betta fish according to their patterns.
7 types of betta fish according to their patterns
1. Dragon scale betta

Dragon Scale Betta is referred to as a dragon species. This is one of the newest varieties of Betta fish. Many fish keepers love dragon scales for their coarse appearance. They are found mainly by cross-breeding several bettas. These bettas look amazing. They have distinctive scales that are metallic in color, especially copper metallic.
You can find some popular dragon scale bettas whose fins & tails are completely red. The body of the red dragon betta is white which adds very eye-catching contrast.
A dragon scale betta with only a layer of white scales is called a true dragon scale betta. blue dragon betta is not a proper dragon betta it is a mixed dragon betta.
Dragon scale bettas are small. This fish can grow up to two to three inches in size. Due to their small size, they only need at least 5 gallons of aquarium water. The water should be heated with real filtration and the aquarium should be planted with live plants.
One point you have to know is that they can become blind gradually along with their age. Blindness can cause them some problems so it is best to keep these fish alone in the aquarium when they are blind.
Read More: – Betta Fish is Turning Black/White: Doctor’s Opinion On It
2. Butterfly Betta

The Butterfly Betta is very popular for its unusual and attractive colors. You can find butterfly bettas in various color combinations. These are red, blue, yellow, purple, etc. They beautify the aquarium with their unique shape and variety of colors. This fish resembles a butterfly and is very much worthwhile of its name.
Like other betta fish, the butterfly betta has a labyrinth organ too. The male species of the butterfly betta has a brighter color than the female species. From this, you can identify their gender easily. An adult male butterfly betta grows from 2.5 to 3 inches but females are smaller in size.
Despite their external beauty, butterfly bettas are called the fighting fish. Male fish of this species are aggressive. They fight with other species of fish in the aquarium. So it is obvious to keep them alone in nano tanks. Besides this, other fin-nipping fish should not be kept with them anyhow.
If the water current is too high, the delicate fins and tail of this fish can be damaged. So it is too obvious to know how to keep betta fish happy and healthy. Adequate swimming space, good quality water, right pH, etc. are essential for these fish. If you can provide all of these things then they become one of your prettiest pets.
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3. Marble Betta

Marble bettas are another stunning type of betta, classified by their unique pattern. They are such types of betta fish that change their color at a certain time. A betta fish becomes a marble betta when its color changes due to a genetic mutation.
The appearance of this fish is very unique. At first appearance, it seems like various blotches of colors have mixed together. The most common colors of marble betta are red, blue, and white. However, these bright vibrant colors may fade due to aging, diseases, and poor maintenance.
Lots of new betta owners become scared when they change colors. However, betta fish marbling is a natural phenomenon and is nothing to worry about. Betta marbling is caused by a special gene called the “Jumping Gene”.
The jumping gene runs through the chromosome and blocks the dark color. A marble betta can be blue-white, purple or red, or a combination of all colors. But It is very unlikely to see the black color.
One point you must remember is that all color changes are not “color marbling”. Color may fade if they have not been cared for properly. It may seem color marbling too. However, it is certainly not.
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4. Koi Betta

According to the patterns of betta fish, the koi betta is very popular. They are considered some sort of extension of marble bettas. They are called “koi” because they look like carp.
The appearance of koi betta is stunningly beautiful. Koi betta usually appears in red-orange, black, or white. Moreover, some koi bettas are blue and some koi bettas have blue patches. Like butterfly bettas, koi bettas have long fins. The patterns of this fish are truly amazing.
However, you can’t find this fish so easily. They are very rare & are sold for very expensive prices. As they are expensive, so buy ammonia & nitrate checkers. Otherwise, high ammonia or nitrate spike can kill your fish suddenly. So be aware of it.
Some Koi betta can live in nano tanks as small as 2.5 gallons (however, it is not recommended). They are not cold water fish so make sure to add a heater if you are not from tropical countries.
5. Dalmatian Betta

Dalmatian betta fish are famous for fins with deep orange color. The strain of Dalmatian betta fish is extremely rare. These fish come in different patterns and sizes. Dalmatian Bettas are freshwater fish and should keep them in a tank that holds at least 5 gallons of water. These fish prefer to live in slightly acidic water. The right ph level for a dalmatian betta is 5-7.
Feed your orange dalmatian betta fish a variety of quality foods to maintain its vibrant color and shine. They are generally omnivorous. Try to give them frozen or live bloodworms once or twice a week.
When dalmatian betta fish become unhealthy or old, they lose their color and shine. So they should be kept healthy to maintain their color and shine. The best way to do this is to maintain water moderation.
6. Cambodian Betta

The Cambodian betta is a variation of the duo color pattern. Generally, you can find their entire body is one color and the fins are another different color. The color of the fins is darker than the body and may be lighter in some cases. It makes a contrast.
The fins of this fish are bright and transparent. Not only that, but the color of those fins is red. In some cases, you can find it as pale pink too.
Cambodian male bettas are usually red. But you can find black spots on their fins and body. Dark spots develop on their body after 18 months of age.
The Cambodian Betta is known as a fighting fish especially the male fish of this species are a bit aggressive. If properly cared for they can live up to two to three years. A small nano tank (not less than 5-gallon) is sufficient for them.
Read More: – How to Build Planted Betta Tank (Care Guide with Infographics)
7. Bicolor Betta

Another new variety of betta fish is the bicolor betta fish. This fish has a duo color too like Cambodian Betta. The only difference is that this fish has no other markings like the Cambodian fish. The bicolor betta fish has only two solid colors throughout its body and fins.
The bright and shiny colors of bicolor betta fish are the beauty of the aquarium. The fins of this fish are bluish green or red. It is one of the prettiest fish among the betta species of fish.
Final Thoughts
These seven bettas are differentiated by their patterns. Now you have got an idea of which betta you should purchase for your nano tank.
If you are a betta lover like us and have so much experience then you can go for marble betta. However, for new aquarists, we don’t recommend this fish because they need a high care level.
You can start with butterfly betta or dragon scale betta which need a comparatively low care level. However, without a proper environment, the vibrancy of colors will not come out. So try to keep them in an open and peaceful space.
Best of luck and happy fish-keeping.