5 Rare Betta Fish that you must try to collect: With Care Guide
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In general, betta fish are common to most aquarists. They are famous for their vibrant colors, shapes & activities. However, there are some betta fish that you can’t find at every fish store or any online website. They are considered as rare betta fish species.
In this article, we will help you to recognize the top 5 betta fish which are rare to find. Not only that, but this recognition will help you to collect those rare species in your aquarium too.
Besides this, you must know some care guides for them. Otherwise, they become sick and die sooner as they are sophisticated aquarium betta fish. This article is going to guide you about this. So without wasting time let’s dive deep into the topic.
Top 5 most rare betta fish in fishkeeping
Green Betta

Basic guide –
In your fish-keeping journey, you may not see green betta so frequently like other blue or red betta fish. So according to us, this is rare compared to its other types.
This species has different types of color combinations too. You may find green betta with blue, white, yellow, turquoise, and many other shades.
Furthermore, these shades start from the bottom of their tails and fins. These shades exaggerate their beauty. So if you find this green betta anywhere then collect it without any hesitation for your betta aquarium.
Care guide –
The care level of green betta fish is easy. However, the condition of its health depends on the experience of an aquarist.
In general, a green betta is aggressive like their other types. So a solo betta tank is mandatory for keeping this healthy. Having a temperature range between 22°C to 27°C is good enough. This is a carnivore by its food habits. So daphnia, frozen worms, brine shrimp, and larvae are the most preferable for them as foods.
A minimum of 3-gallon tank is mandatory to keep green betta fish healthy. As this is a curious fish, so do not put anything loose inside of the tank. You can build a planted betta tank for this too. By clicking this link you can get guidelines about how to build this.
As food, you can provide commercial food like pellets and flakes to a green betta with live food. Regular quality food can reduce their aggression.
As they are aggressive so it’s better to keep them alone in a tank according to our experience. Still, you can try to keep neon tetra, Cory catfish, and rasboras as their tank mates depending on the size of the tank.
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Orange Dalmatian Betta

Basic guides –
Orange betta is one of the rarest betta fish that you can find. This is rarer than green betta also. It is because an orange betta does not breed a similar type of offspring. Its offspring commonly come out as a yellow or red betta. So it is difficult to get an orange betta from anywhere as a pet.
There are different types of orange betta you can find. Orange Dalmatian Betta is an extremely rare betta among all of them. This is the prettiest too.
Pale orange color with dark orange spots all over its body attracts aquarists the most. Like other orange bettas, this betta is not a true breeder too. It breeds mainly solid orange betta and red dragon betta.
Care guide –
To keep an orange dalmatian betta healthy, an aquarist requires a little bit of experience in fish keeping. It requires a good amount of quality & nutritious food to grow. As it is an omnivore, it can eat blanched vegetables, cucumber, peas with live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimps, protein-based food, etc.
Orange Dalmatian Betta prefers a comparatively lower pH. So you can use driftwood, Indian almond leaves to lower the pH of water. You can try black water for them too as its pH is low. However, we haven’t done any experiments regarding this.
Orange Dalmatian Betta changes its colour according to the surroundings. Black or dark background is the most preferable for them to keep. Juvenile orange betta does not contain bright chromatophores. However, with increasing age, it turns into a brighter color.
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Opaque Betta

Basic guide –
Opaque Betta is another rare type of betta that you cannot find anywhere. People consider white albino betta as Opaque Betta. However, it is not completely true.
Opaque Betta is the combination of three colors. These are green, blue, and steel/white. Now, this type of bettas can be found by crossbreeding. So, it is tough to find anywhere.
The body of Opaque Betta contains powdery white pigments. This is a pristine gene that is called Op (i.e. opaque). This betta fish is comparatively less aggressive than other genes. So it is easy to keep too.
This betta has some drawbacks too. As this betta fish is white, a small black spot can be noticeable from far away. This decreases the pristine beauty of this fish.
Not only that, but some betta fish keepers just choose fish by their body colors that are not good actually.
Sometimes the finnage of Opaque Betta does not have much quality. As this is rare, you must check the quality of its finnage first. Otherwise, it will lose its fins within a few days/months and all of your investment will be wasted completely.
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Care guide –
Opaque Betta is just like other bettas. So you must keep this fish alone in a nano tank. As this fish is a little bit less aggressive, some of the experts may suggest keeping it in a community tank. However, we don’t recommend it for safety reasons.
It can live easily in a 2-3 gallon fish tank. However, a 5-gallon tank is the most suitable and healthy option for keeping Opaque Betta. A planted betta tank will be a very good option for it. It is because of the color contrast. Light colour betta must have a dark background. It helps them to open up more.
If you don’t know how to build a planted betta tank then click on this link to know a comprehensive guide of it.
Live foods are the most preferable food for them because they require protein and live foods, especially brine shrimp, are one of the main sources of protein. If you have a juvenile Opaque Betta then you must provide brine shrimp. For an adult Opaque Betta, you can try commercial foods too.

Basic guide –
Orchid betta is not so uncommon to fish keepers nowadays. You can find this fish here and there in shops. However, Black Orchid Crowntail Betta is still rare among this breed.
Lots of online sources may pretend that this fish is available to them. According to our experience, the quality (health) of those fish was not so good. So according to the quality perspective, we consider this fish as a rare fish.
This fish has a famous caudal fin. The nature of this fish is like other betta fish. So you don’t need any specific expertise to keep it in your tank. This is aggressive and prefers to live alone. We do not recommend any tank mates for a Black Orchid Crowntail Betta.
However, if you have a medium size planted tank then you may try corydoras catfish, mollies tetras, etc. as its tank mates. Be aware of choosing fin nippers as its tank mate. They will harm your betta by nipping its beautiful long tail.
Read more – How to Stop Fin Nipping in Aquarium: With 9 Popular Fin Nippers
Care guide –
Black Orchid Crowntail Betta is aggressive and a 10-gallon tank is a preferable choice for it. As its body color is dark so a light background is most recommended. Despite being a Hardy fish, it is sensitive to sudden temperature changes. So you must fix a certain temperature of your aquarium and should maintain it.
For maintaining temperature, a good heater is required. Here we are recommending Cobalt Aquatics Neo-Therm Pro Aquarium Heater for your betta tank that we have used for us. This is extremely good for any type of aquarium. This is fully submersible and has a dual display. For having these facilities we recommend this heater for your betta tank. You can check the price on Amazon here.
As your tank decoration, you can use driftwood and artificial caves. This will make your aquarium aesthetically appealing. Sandy substrate is good if you don’t want to create a planted aquarium. However, for a planted betta tank soil substrate is a must.
You can check the price of Driftwoods on Amazon here.
If you want a ceramic decoration cave for your betta tank then don’t waste much time. Get it now at a discounted price.
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Samurai Koi Betta

Basic guide –
Samurai koi betta is another rare type of betta fish. This has come from the dragon betta fish through mutation. This is rare because this is very tough to breed and keep in an aquarium.
It is named samurai just because of its looks. This is black in color with white shades. It has hard scales all over its body. It has a coating over its head and that’s why lots of aqua enthusiastic have given it the name “Samurai”.
Not only that, but it has an aggressive nature and it is a fighter too. So you shouldn’t make a mistake by keeping other fish with it in the same tank.
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Care guide –
Like other bettas, a samurai betta needs the same fundamentals to be healthy and happy. Lots of aquarists think a shallow tank is enough just because its natural habitat is under the paddy field. However, a minimum of 5-gallon tank is mandatory to keep samurai betta fish healthy.
Daphnia, brine shrimp, and bloodworms are some good options as live food for samurai betta fish. Commercial foods are good enough if you are unable to provide live food to them. However, don’t provide excessive amounts of food to it. Excessive feeding can lead to various diseases. (i.e. bloating & constipation)
So best of luck & happy fish keeping
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