Is Convict Cichlids Highly Aggressive?: A Compatibility Test
As a whole, the convict cichlid is a very aggressive species. This is partially true. Convict cichlids become so aggressive during their breeding season mainly. In general, if more than 3 convicts are kept in a small amount of space then it will show aggression definitely.
But aggression depends on the habitat too. A research paper has researched two female convict cichlids. The research states that basically convict cichlids are very active fish fishes. They chase each other. But if the tank condition is not suitable for the convict cichlids then it will bite the weaker one.
The research paper also states that the ‘total chase of the fish is inversely proportional to the tank habitat’. This means if the tank condition is favourable for the convict cichlid then the rate of attack to other fishes reduces significantly. Otherwise, it may definitely kill other fish.
If you have an existing fish tank and if you want to keep a convict cichlid in it then you have to check the existing tank’s condition first. If the existing fishes in that tank are timid or small in size then you should not keep convict cichlids in it. This will be harmful to those timid fishes.
Some aquarists may say that their convict cichlid is peaceful and lives happily with other timid fishes. They are not wrong. This only happens when the tank habitat is suitable for convict cichlid. But if you want to introduce new convict cichlids then tank habitat won’t matter because in new tank conditions convict cichlids remain aggressive all the time.
Here I’m going to do some compatibility tests of convict cichlid with other fishes. This will clear all of your doubts regarding the aggression of convict cichlid. Let’s dive deep into the topic.

Can a convict cichlid live with guppies?
Theoretically, the convict cichlid is not compatible with guppy fish because guppy is a typical tropical fish species where convict cichlid comes from central America. Besides this, guppy requires acidic water conditions and alkaline water is suitable for convict cichlids.
Some experts may say that guppies may live with convict cichlids easily. This is partially true. A convict cichlid may live with some guppy because this depends on species to species. This does not tell people a holistic condition of it.
It means it depends on the aggression of the convict cichlid. If you introduce a new adult convict cichlid to a guppy tank then you must know that the guppies will disappear within a few weeks. If you keep a baby convict cichlid with guppies then there is a much lesser chance to attack a guppy for convict cichlid.
Convict cichlids do not show aggression all the time. It becomes more aggressive during the breeding period and if it is kept alone. Even a pair of convict cichlids can show aggression and that depends upon the species. The habitable tank condition can help to reduce the aggression of convict cichlid
The 6.6-7.8 pH level is suitable for Convict cichlid. For guppy fish, 6.0-7.0 is the suitable pH level condition. So according to this data, both fishes can live if the pH level is 7.0 (neutral pH).
The water temperature for guppies should be 22°C to 25°C and 26°C to 29°C is suitable for convict cichlids.
So as a conclusion I can say that guppy is not a good tank companion for convict cichlid. Guppy is a typical peaceful community tank fish. But convict cichlids are aggressive fish. Due to its bigger size, convict cichlid (6 inches) can easily knock down a smaller sized guppy (3 inches). So try to avoid these two fish species together in a fish tank.
Read more:- How do you know your mollies/guppies are pregnant or not?
Can convict cichlid live with African cichlid?
African cichlids should not keep with central American (convict) cichlids. The African cichlids come from three lakes and convict cichlids grow in the river. This is the main cause. Besides this, convict cichlids like acidic water where African cichlids prefer slightly brackish water. But by the right acclimation process, it can be possible to keep both fish together.
African has three great lakes. These are Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. The water of these three lakes is called brackish water. So you should add brackish water too in your fish tank for African cichlids.
But central American cichlids prefer slightly acidic water. You can call it blackwater too. Thousands of leaves fall in the Amazon River every day and that’s why it builds humic acid and water becomes acidic due to it.
Convict cichlids are aggressive in nature but African cichlids are more aggressive than it. African cichlids need proper care to keep. So there will be increased stress for both of these fishes if you keep convict cichlid and African cichlid together.
The temperature is not a problem for both of these fish species. Both can thrive between 23°C to 27°C. PH level may be an issue but this issue also can be eliminated by proper acclimation process.
You can keep African cichlids with convict cichlids in the same fish tank. But this can be risky for a fish keeper. A big sized tank (minimum 60-gallon) is the most required criteria for this combination of fish species. You must have to keep the tank in a habitable condition. During the breeding period, this is recommended to keep away certain fish species from the main tank.
Note : – When the water has salinity level than freshwater but not as much as the sea has is called brackish water. |
Can convict cichlid live with oscar?
Oscar is compatible with convict cichlids. The size of an oscar is average 10-12 inches where a convict cichlid grows up to 6 inches long only. Oscars are infamous for their aggression. But still, oscars do not bother to convict cichlids to stay with it.
Convict cichlid shows its aggression too. But if the habitat of the fish tank is right then the aggression of the convict cichlid can be lowered down.
The size of an oscar is big. So it eats whatever it gets. As a convict cichlid is not very small in size so it may be compatible with oscar.
The main factor is you have to keep these fish in a big tank (minimum 60-gallon). The aggression of fishes is inversely proportional to the tank size. But during the breeding period of oscar you must keep it away from the main fish tank. At that time you should not take the risk to keep it with a cichlid. 4-5 convict cichlids can easily take down an adult oscar during the breeding period.
There is no perfect compatibility measurement for convict cichlid and oscar. Convict cichlids may attack oscars too. But this depends upon species and the tank habitat. Generally, convict cichlids are easy to keep with oscars.
Can convict cichlid live with goldfish?
Goldfish are incompatible with the convict cichlids because goldfish are a docile type of fish where the convict cichlid is an aggressive one. Besides this, goldfish slime may be harmful to cichlids. Goldfish needs relatively cooler water than convict cichlid.
Lots of people think that goldfish are very easy to keep. But actually, this is not. You need proper water conditions to keep goldfish.
Goldfish may live in adverse conditions too. but in this case, it will not thrive or will not show its full golden colour. Goldfish create huge fish waste daily. So you need to clean the water frequently.
For convict cichlid, you have to provide crystal clear water to live. If you keep it with goldfish anyhow then it can’t live because of the fish waste. The ammonia may rise suddenly and this will increase stress. At that moment, the convict cichlid may attack the goldfish.
If you keep goldfish in warmer water then the metabolism rate will be high enough for goldfish and then it will create more fish waste per day. It is harmful to convict cichlid.
At the end of the day, your primary target is to keep goldfish and convict cichlid healthy. So this is better to keep a convict cichlid with another convict cichlid and a goldfish with another goldfish. Mixing goldfish and convict cichlid may create a problem for both species and the fishkeeper.
Read more:- Is goldfish compatible with cichlids?
Can a convict cichlid live with tetra?
All tetras are not compatible with the convict cichlids. Tetras are generally smaller in size. The average size of all tetras is 1.5-3 inches where convict cichlids grow up to 6 inches. But you can keep tetras that are much active and unsteadfast. Redeye tetra can be a good tank companion of convict cichlids.
Tetras are very common fish for all aquarists. Many aquarists start their fishkeeping journey by tetras. The neon tetra is the most common fish among all tetras.
Now convict cichlids are famous for their aggression. But tetras are not aggressive fish species. They are active peaceful community fish. This will not be a good choice probably to keep tetra with convict cichlids. Tetras that are less than 1.5 inches, should not keep with convict cichlids. Convict cichlids can easily knock them down. But you can keep tetras who are unsteadfast like lemon tetra, bucktooth tetra and panda tetra.
Can convict cichlid live with tiger barbs?
Barbs are infamous for their aggression. Due to both of these aggressive species, this is not recommended to keep these together in the same tank. Cherry barbs may work well. But the compatibility of this pair will work depending upon the personality of fish
Tiger barbs are one of the famous barbs among the barb fish species. This is immensely aggressive and fins nippers. The aggression of tiger barbs can be lowered by keeping a total of 5 pieces.
Convict cichlid is another aggressive fish species but this is quite difficult to say whether the barb will be compatible with convict cichlid or not. Lots of experts say that barbs and convict cichlid won’t last too long in the same tank. Either convict cichlid or barb will die sooner or later.
But both of these species can live together also. This can be an experiment for you. There is no guarantee of it. For this experiment minimum, a 55-gallon tank is required. There should be lots of aquatic plants in the tank. The water parameters should be stable enough. But among all barbs, cherry barbs may be more compatible with convict cichlids.
Can convict cichlid live with a shark?
Sharks and convict cichlid both fish species that are extremely aggressive and territorial in nature. To keep these together a minimum of 100-gallon well-planted tank is required. Otherwise, adult convict cichlid will capture the full tank sooner or later definitely and this will stressful for sharks to live
Sharks grow very quickly and these become aggressive day by day. So if you want to keep the sharks alone then also you need a minimum of 75-gallon tank.
Baby convict cichlid may not create a problem but maybe bullied by adult sharks. But if you want to keep an adult convict cichlid with an adult shark that would be a bad decision. But this is possible to keep if the tank size is 100 gallon or more.
One Bala shark needs a minimum of 4 more Bala sharks to thrive. So if you add convict cichlid in this tank then 100-gallon will be small for these fishes. A minimum 150-gallon tank is required for these species.
Rainbow sharks and red tail sharks are not recommended to keep with convict cichlids. These fishes may fight against each other and ultimately your aquarium will get a loss.
During the spawning period, convict cichlids become so dangerous and territorial in nature. So at this time, this is recommended to keep convict cichlid in a different tank.
Can convict cichlid live with discus?
Keeping discus fish with convict cichlid is a very bad idea. Discus is one of the top sophisticated and schooling fish where convict cichlids are very aggressive in nature. Discus can’t tolerate a little bit of stress. So this is better to keep discus in a ‘species only tank’.
Discus fish is very much sensitive with its tank condition. It may get sick by getting slight disturbance. This is not recommended to keep convict cichlid in a discus tank. One single discus fish can’t live alone. You need a minimum of 5 pieces of discus fish in a tank.
Discus itself is a cichlid fish species but this is not compatible with other cichlids. You should avoid aggressive fish species especially convict cichlids to keep with discus. If you keep a convict cichlid with discus fish then the convict cichlid may give that fish so much stress. Due to excessive stress, discus fish may turn into a black colour.
Read more:- Why is my discus turning in black colour?
Can convict cichlid live with angelfish?
Angelfish have long fins and this is a peaceful cichlid fish species. This is not compatible with convict cichlids because angelfish can’t live with any aggressive fish species. Convict cichlid will nip its fin and make it uncomfortable to live with convict cichlid. Excessive stress may kill angelfish too.
Angelfish have long beautiful fins. This is famous for its body shape and fins. Now if you keep angelfish with a convict cichlid then the convict cichlid will start to disturb angelfish by its aggression.
Peaceful in nature, the angelfish can’t fight against convict cichlid. It may become very uncomfortable and stressful to stay with the same tank.
Convict cichlid may nip its fins by chasing all-time. These causes may lead to death for angelfish too. So this is not recommended to keep angelfish with convict cichlid in the same fish tank.
Can convict cichlid live with a betta?
Betta and convict cichlid are not compatible with each other. Betta is not so much active as convict cichlids. So it can’t run from the aggression of the convict cichlid. It has a long tail and convict cichlid may nip that tail. Betta may feel very stressed to live with a convict cichlid.
Betta is a very sophisticated fish it needs much care to keep. This is a peaceful fish. Convict cichlid is not a good friend of Betta.
But still, if you want to keep this with betta then a minimum 50-gallon fish tank is required. Betta can be kept in 10 gallons also but when you keep convict cichlid in it then Betta will be very stressed by its new tank mate. Convict cichlids may tear its tail and for this reason, They may not swim properly. So this is better to keep it in a big tank to reduce the aggression of the convict cichlid.
So from this long discussion, it is clear that you can’t keep convict cichlids with any other fish. You have to know the characteristics of other fishes. To keep other fishes with convict cichlids you have to build a big sized fish tank because this fish is very aggressive and territorial in nature. The companion of convict cichlids should be quick enough and big enough. Otherwise, convict cichlids will knock down them very easily.
The most important recommendation is you should keep your convict cichlids away from your main tank during the breeding period. During this time this fish tries to protect its egg and become so aggressive.
So best of luck & happy fishkeeping 🐟