Search Results for: cichlids

How Many Algae Eaters For Fish Tank: 5, 20, 55, 60g & More

Check Our Quick Stories  Having algae eaters in a fish tank is very important. These control the algal growth of an aquarium. Not only that, but some algae eaters (Siamese algae eaters) help to control detritus, flatworms’ population, and black beard algae too. However, you must choose algae eaters based on their aggression level. If […]

Does Hillstream Loach Eat Shrimp? A Compatibility Test

Check Our Quick Stories  Some aquarists like to keep loaches in the aquarium. Among those loaches, hillstream loaches are one of the popular types. However, lots of aquarists want to know whether it is compatible with shrimp or not. As a whole, a hillstream loach is considered omnivores. However, it prefers to eat algae and […]

Is My Fish Dead or Sleeping: Aquarist’s Personal Experience 

Check Our Quick Stories  As fish don’t have eyelids like us so it is hard to understand Whether a fish is sleeping or not. Sometimes beginner fish keepers make mistakes by thinking that their cute little pet fish is sleeping but unfortunately it is dead which is really heartbreaking. When I started fishkeeping I panicked […]

Basic Interaction Between Plants & Fish Inside an Aquarium

Check Our Quick Stories  An aquarium requires aquatic plants to keep it healthy. Lots of aquarists ignore the plants while building an aquarium. However, there is a relation between aquatic plants and the fishes. This relationship helps to build a natural aquatic environment inside of the aquarium. Aquatic plants in an aquarium help fish to […]

How Much Do Tropical Fish Eat? Cost Analysis 

Check Our Quick Stories Food is mandatory for any type of aquarium fish. But lots of new aquarists start from various types of tropical fish. So this is important to know for then how much food is required for the tropical fish. The amount of food depends on the type and the size of the […]

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Marine Fish Aquaculture: N.C. Aquariums Has Received Grant Funds How To Feed Betta Fish? 5 Simple Steps With More Why Are Lionfish Harmful to Coral Areas & Reefs? How To Make Pet Fish Happy: 7 Best Ways 9 Best Starter Saltwater Fish for Beginners