9 Stunning Gourami Species For Freshwater Aquariums

Aqualifeexpert.com Presents

Souvik Nag

With Care Guide & More

01. Blue Gourami


Blue gouramis are one of the most popular & easy fish for beginners. They can be kept with other docile fish in the same aquarium.

Blue Gouramis do not tolerate others of their species well. Keep one male in a tank


02. Dwarf Gourami


The dwarf gourami is one of the smallest gouramis. They are suitable for nano aquariums. Keeping it in a community tank is most recommended.

They can be found in different colors


03. Pearl Gourami


Pearl Gouramis are possibly the hardiest and easy to care for of the Gourami family. They are highly adaptable and do well with a wide range of water conditions as well as tank mates.


04. Kissing Gourami


Kissing Gouramis are quite popular due to their unique behavior of appearing to kiss each other. Generally, they do best with medium- to large-sized fish.

They are quite aggressive & need experience to keep them healthy.


05. Honey Gourami


Honey gouramis are very easy-going fish that can be kept as a single, pair or a group. They are not a schooling species however they enjoy each other's company and will display better in groups of 4-6 individuals.


06. Chocolate Gourami


Chocolate gouramis are for only experienced fish keepers. They are very sensitive to water parameters. They show aggressive behaviour due to lack of proper care.


07. Moonlight Gourami


Moonlight gouramis are famous because of their silvery appearance. They grow up to 6" which is bigger than other gouramis.

They prefer a well-planted tank.


08. Three Spot Gourami


Despite being a placid fish, three spot gourami can show aggression in aquarium. So its better to keep 3 female with one male to reduce aggression.

Males are incompatible with each other


09. Croaking Gourami


Croaking gourami prefers to live in captivity where plenty of plants & shades exist. Floating plants and driftwood are the best option to keep them healthy.

They can produce notice by pectoral fins


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