11 Most Popular Saltwater Fish For An beginners

Make marine tanks colorful

Aqualifeexpert.com Presents

Souvik Nag


11. Flame Angelfish



They can be kept with less aggressive fish but should not be kept with invertebrates.

Flame angelfish is so popular among marine aquarists because they can adapt the captivity well.

10. Ocellaris Clownfish



Ocellaris Clownfish is one of the most popular & easiest to keep. Despite having a big marine tank it loves to roam around its territory.

Try to purchase young pair. After reaching adulthood they become a mating pair.

09. Coral Beauty Angelfish



Coral beauty angelfish acclimate very fast in a marine tank. So they are very famous.

As a whole, they don't show territorial nature or aggression. However, some particular fish may show these

08. Blue Tang



Blue tang may become boisterous in a community tank. However, they don't show pure aggression over their tank mates.

They need ample space in a community tank. Otherwise, they fight until they establish their territory.

07. Yellow Tang



Yellow tang is another most popular fish for a marine tank. Male tangs show aggression towards other male tangs.

The aggression of yellow tang increases if all the tangs aren't introduced at the same time.

06. Bird Wrasse



Bird wrasse is a very hardy marine fish. They can adapt to the tank condition very well.

One marine tank should have one male bird wrasse. The smaller fish can feel stressed due to them. So ample space is required.

05. Banggai Cardinalfish



Banggai Cardinalfish is a hardy marine fish. A strong filtration system is must for a banggai tank.

The water of the tank should have a moderate current.

04. Green Chromis



The water should have a low current & it should contain live rocks. However, ample space is required because they love to swim.

Green Chromis prefer to live in large coral aggregation. So a marine tank should mimic this to keep them healthy.

03. Tomato Clownfish



Tomato Clownfish doesn't need lots of space. They establish a certain territory & roam around it.

For a breeding pair, a 20-gallon tank is enough but a 40-gallon is the perfect size for a community tank, which contains tomato clownfish.

02. Striped Blenny



This fish is famous for its unique body shape.

These fish prefer to live in rocky crevices. So these should be replicated well in marine tanks. The water flow should be between low to medium.

01. Diamond Goby


Care Guides

Diamond Goby is a beginner-friendly marine fish. They need a deep sand bed just because of their natural behavior

A minimum of 20-gallon tank is required to keep their aggression under control.

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