Souvik Nag
$1000 for young up to $300,000 as adults
$15-20 for small unsorted fish; up to $600,000 for a show specimen.
$20 for standard young discus and up to $500+ for a mated pair
$800-$1000 for juveniles and $5000+ for adults.
$150 for young and up to $600 for adults
A quality masked angelfish is rare. Price range varies from $16 to $25,000
$150-$300 for young individuals.
$150-300 for 2-3″ fish
Approx. $100 for young and thousands for mature adults
$300 for young stingrays and up to $1500 for an adult.
$4 for a common fish, $30 for a show quality fish, up to $1500 for unique specimens.