How Many Algae Eaters Required For Fish Tank

5, 20, 55, 60g & More

All of these Algae Eaters must be chosen depending upon tank mates

How many algae eaters for a  5-gallon fish tank?

Two Apple Snails & Shirmps

How many algae eaters for a 10-gallon fish tank?

Five Otocinclus Catfish  Two Snails

How many algae eaters for a  20-gallon fish tank?

One Bristlenose Pleco Two Siemese Algae Eaters

How many algae eaters for a  55-gallon fish tank?

Two Bristlenose Plecos &/or One Twig Catfish or  Five Otocinclus Catfish

How many algae eaters for a  60-gallon fish tank?

Two Bristlenose Plecos &/or Two Otocinclus Catfish

How many algae eaters for a  75-gallon fish tank?

Two Bristlenose Plecos  Four Siamese Algae Eater or  Two Twig Catfish

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