Souvik Nag
Fish should be hardy enough.
They should be peaceful but active
Vibrant body colors of fish are the most recommended for kids.
They should be easy to feed.
Guppies are one of the best choices for kids. They are very colorful & active enough. Kids can stay in front of the aquarium without being restless.
Guppies are one of the best choices for kids. They are very colorful & active enough. Kids can stay in front of the aquarium without being restless.
Like guppies, neon tetras are another suitable species for kids. The bunch of neon tetras adds vibrant color to the aquarium that is very eye-soothing
Like guppies, neon tetras are another suitable species for kids. The bunch of neon tetras adds vibrant color to the aquarium that is very eye-soothing
Betta is famous for its vibrant colors & fins. It can be a friend of your kid instead of just a pet. Your kid can play all the day with betta fish.
Betta is famous for its vibrant colors & fins. It can be a friend of your kid instead of just a pet. Your kid can play all the day with betta fish.
Like betta, dwarf gouramis are the labyrinth species. It means they can oxygen from air sometimes. Kids can learn from them practically by observing them
Like betta, dwarf gouramis are the labyrinth species. It means they can oxygen from air sometimes. Kids can learn from them practically by observing them
Mollies are livebearers. It means they develop their eggs internally and give birth live young fries. This could be exciting for kids to learn new things.
Mollies are livebearers. It means they develop their eggs internally and give birth live young fries. This could be exciting for kids to learn new things.
Like mollies, swordtails are also a livebearer. Kids will also love to watch them. Speciality of the fish is a sword-like tail. Moreover, they breed very quickly.
Like mollies, swordtails are also a livebearer. Kids will also love to watch them. Speciality of the fish is a sword-like tail. Moreover, they breed very quickly.
Goldfish are one of the most popular fish. They are suitable for kids just because of their low maintenance. They are coldwater fish. This little fish creates a huge bioload too.
Goldfish are one of the most popular fish. They are suitable for kids just because of their low maintenance. They are coldwater fish. This little fish creates a huge bioload too.
Angelfish are another suitable fish for kids. A pair of angelfish can show what friendship is. They can be partners for lifelong. Their unique shape attracts kids too.
Angelfish are another suitable fish for kids. A pair of angelfish can show what friendship is. They can be partners for lifelong. Their unique shape attracts kids too.
Kuhli loach has a different body shape, unlike other fish. They become active during the night mostly. They are shy & suitable for your kids.
Kuhli loach has a different body shape, unlike other fish. They become active during the night mostly. They are shy & suitable for your kids.
Corys have a calm, peaceful, and non-aggressive temperament that is good for kids actually. Some are very shy & timid. They are bottom feeders.
Corys have a calm, peaceful, and non-aggressive temperament that is good for kids actually. Some are very shy & timid. They are bottom feeders.