Souvik Nag
The Red-Eared Slider is extremely popular among aquarists & easy to get as a pet.
Don't put unnecessary material into the tank for keeping this turtle. Smooth rocks are recommended as a basking area.
This turtle can't retract their head like other pet turtles. They need crystal clear water to swim, more than 70° F temperature.
They love to eat lettuce, carrots, & other produce
Eastern Box Turtle has a sensitive respiratory system so they need humid weather conditions. Their living place should be full of water.
These pet turtles have designed shell that makes them look interesting.
They are very shy so lots of hiding places are required in tanks. The tank should be well-filtered too.
Getting a common musk turtle as a pet is very easy nowadays. They are very small & easy to take care of.
Shallow water is recommended to them because they are weak swimmers.
They are short turtles too like common musk. They are the timid species. So a peaceful place is recommended.
They are very hardy can live for years if they don't feel stressed.
These turtles are very hardy & affordable. They grow up to 13 inches long and love to spend most of their time in the water.
They generally remain active during the daytime & sleep at night.
These turtles have little spots on their shells. They live for long years. So take them seriously as a pet.
They don't need lots of space to thrive. They can be the good friends of kids.
Wood turtles need a good size of space to live as they grow up to 5-8 inches.
They are not aquatic. It is recommended to have very shallow water so they can touch the ground with their feet.