7 Most Colorful Fish in The Ocean

 7 Most Colorful Fish in The Ocean

With Pictures

Aqualifeexpert.com Presents

Souvik Nag


01. Mandarin Dragonet


Mandarin dragonet is one of the most colorful marine fish. It grows not more than 3inches. They are the picky eaters

Scientific Name

Synchiropus splendidus

02. Blue Hippo Tang


Scientific Name

Paracanthurus hepatus

Blue vibrant colors of blue hippo tang is very eye-catching. This fish mainly found in coral reefs of Indo-Pacific region. They can adjust the hue of their body colors

03. Blue Triggerfish


Scientific Name

Odonus niger

Blue triggerfish love high water current and live in the channels of reef. They need hiding spots, crevices etc.

04. Lionfish


Scientific Name

Pterois volitans

Lionfish are extremely beautiful underwater creatures. Female lionfish lay more than 2 million eggs per year.

05. Moorish Idol


Scientific Name

Zanclus cornutus

Moorish idol fish is a iconic coral reef fish in the world. However, they are not good for captivity.

06. Emperor Angelfish


Scientific Name

Pomacanthus imperator

Emperor angelfish can be found in Hawaii Island and Pacific Ocean. They are big, can grow up to 15inches long.

07. Royal Gramma


Scientific Name

Gramma loreto

Royal gramma can be found in carribbean sea. It gets the name gramma because of its purple and yellow body colors

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