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Souvik Nag
These Doesn't Require CO2
This plant is a floating plant & it does not require carbon dioxide as a supplement.
it can absorb CO2 from the air directly. It is a beginner-friendly aquatic plant. However, Amazon Frogbit can be rotten if the upper portion of its leaves gets wet.
java Moss does not require carbon dioxide as a supplement. This is very common to almost all aquarists
Generally, it does not require a high intensity of lights & fertilization for its growth. However, If it gets fertilizers, CO2 then its growth rate can be increased dramatically.
This plant is a floating plant & it does not require carbon dioxide as a supplement.
it can absorb CO2 from the air directly. It is a beginner-friendly aquatic plant. However, Amazon Frogbit can be rotten if the upper portion of its leaves gets wet.
Dwarf Sagittaria is a carpet type of aquatic plant that does not require CO2
The growth rate of this plant is very fast. It is hardy enough & it can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.
Amazon sword has very big leaves. So other plants should not be placed under it. It does not require CO2 as supplement at all.
It absorbs CO2 from water which is exhaled by fish & which is enough for this aquatic plant
Marsilea Hirsuta is a carpet type of plant. It can survive in a very low intensity of light.
CO2 is not required for this plants. If it gets CO2 then it grows rapidly and spread all over the aquarium.
Anubias is considered a very popular aquatic plant for aquarists. This is very easy to take care of.
proper trimming is required of this plant. Otherwise, it will start growing towards the light. It does not require CO2 as a supplement.
Aquatic Plants Need CO2
Every plant need CO2 for growth. However, low tech plants can arrange their co2 requirements by themselves from water column.
Some High Tech Plants
Rotala colorata, dwarf hairgrass, Eleocharis parvula, Pearl weed, Rotala macrandra
Additional CO2 Increase Growth Rate of Plants
Don't provide CO2 unless or untill you are ready to maintain the tank properly.