Souvik Nag
Generally tropical fish can't thrive in water, temperature below 16°C
Breeding pair always need heaters
Some fish can live under 16°C. However, they can be lethargic.
A constant temperature range is more preferable than cooler or warmer temp .
Technically they can live in cold water well. However, for better habitat keep temp between 18–22 °C
Betta is a tropical fish. Now if the water temperature remains more than 22°C then they don't need heaters.
The nano tanks are very suitable for betta fish.
Cherry shrimp can live easily in a nano tank without a heater. However, the water temp should be a minimum of 18°C
They need a heater during the breeding period.
For a room, which has a temperature minimum of 20°C is fine to keep amano shrimp without heaters.
Like cherry shrimp, amano shrimp need heaters during the breeding season.
Guppies are purely tropical fish & technically need a heater along unless the water temp remains more than 16°C
Clown Killifish is an amazing fish for a nano tank that doesn't need a heater.
They can live in coldwater as well as warm water too. However, the best temp range should be 18° - 26° C
They can live in coldwater. Hillstream loach needs oxygen-rich water & cold water contains high DO.
Temperature more than 16°C is suitable for them.
Celestial Pearl Danio can thrive at room temperature and doesn't require a heater.
However, the water temp should not be less than 18°C
Mystery snails don't need a heater to be healthy. They can accept a wide range of temp.
Mystery snails need oxygen-rich water & cold water contains high DO.
Platy fish can live in cold-water tanks until or unless the water temperature is kept consistent.
Regular water changes help platies to be healthy.
Endler’s Livebearer is just like guppies. They don't need a heater until the water temp crosses limits.
22 to 26 °C is the range to keep Endler's livebearer healthy.
Mollies can live without heaters if the place is situated in a tropical area. Otherwise too much coldwater is bad for mollies especially black molly
Rainbow Shiner can live without a heater in a tank. They can tolerate a wide range of temp.
11 to 21 °C is the suitable temp range for rainbow shiner fish.