Souvik Nag
Discus needs tank mates to thrive. Otherwise, it may not show its natural bright colour.
Dither fish as tank mates of discus help them to be safe in the tank.
For a large tank, it is good to have some tank mates of discus. Otherwise it may be spooked.
The best tank mates of discus fish is other discus. A discus only tank is most recommended for beginners.
The best tank mates of discus fish is other discus. A discus only tank is most recommended for beginners.
A minimum of 5 discus is recommended to keep in a medium sized tank.
A minimum of 5 discus is recommended to keep in a medium sized tank.
All hatchetfish are commonly kept as tank mates for Discus because inhabit a different water layer.
All hatchetfish are commonly kept as tank mates for Discus because inhabit a different water layer.
Without an aquarium lid, you should skip hatchetfish as a tank mate of discus because they jump from the water.
Without an aquarium lid, you should skip hatchetfish as a tank mate of discus because they jump from the water.
Bloodfin tetras are probably the most popular middle water layer schooling fish to combine with Discus.
Bloodfin tetras are probably the most popular middle water layer schooling fish to combine with Discus.
They look and feel their best when kept in groups. So keep a group of bloodfin tetra without overstocking the tank.
They look and feel their best when kept in groups. So keep a group of bloodfin tetra without overstocking the tank.
Like bloodfin tetras, the Cardinals are peaceful and easy to keep with discus fish.
Like bloodfin tetras, the Cardinals are peaceful and easy to keep with discus fish.
Like Discus fish, Cardinal tetras do well in a dark South-American biotope set-up.
Like Discus fish, Cardinal tetras do well in a dark South-American biotope set-up.
The Siamese algae eater is highly efficient and very active, patrolling the tank bottom regularly.
The Siamese algae eater is highly efficient and very active, patrolling the tank bottom regularly.
They are excellent tank mates for discus because they are bottom-feeders and eat algae.
They are excellent tank mates for discus because they are bottom-feeders and eat algae.
This South American resident of fast-flowing streams has a gentle personality and spends its time scavenging along the tank bottom.
This South American resident of fast-flowing streams has a gentle personality and spends its time scavenging along the tank bottom.
They are one of few cories that come from the same area as the discus and therefore thrive in warmer waters.
They are one of few cories that come from the same area as the discus and therefore thrive in warmer waters.
German blue ram can add an extra pop of color to your Discus tank. They are amazingly colored & peaceful.
German blue ram can add an extra pop of color to your Discus tank. They are amazingly colored & peaceful.
Plenty of covers towards the bottom of the tank are needed to keep German ram & discus healthy.
Plenty of covers towards the bottom of the tank are needed to keep German ram & discus healthy.
A group of assassin snails can help in removing any leftover foods that discus have missed & thereby prevent water quality issues.
A group of assassin snails can help in removing any leftover foods that discus have missed & thereby prevent water quality issues.
Keep the temperature of the tank on the lower end of your Discus’ preferred range.
Keep the temperature of the tank on the lower end of your Discus’ preferred range.
Kuhli loach has a unique body shape. The eel-shaped kuhli loach brings a unique look to your discus tank.
Kuhli loach has a unique body shape. The eel-shaped kuhli loach brings a unique look to your discus tank.
They are bottom-dwelling scavengers that stick to that level. So they are considered as good tank mate of discus.
They are bottom-dwelling scavengers that stick to that level. So they are considered as good tank mate of discus.
Twig catfish is a good tank mate of discus because they won’t get in each other’s way.
Twig catfish is a good tank mate of discus because they won’t get in each other’s way.
The twig catfish spends almost all of its time attached to surfaces like driftwood.
The twig catfish spends almost all of its time attached to surfaces like driftwood.
When pairing harlequin rasboras with discus, keep the water temperature toward the lower end of the discus’ range.
When pairing harlequin rasboras with discus, keep the water temperature toward the lower end of the discus’ range.
Rasboras in a good-sized school are excellent dither fish to help calm the tank.
Rasboras in a good-sized school are excellent dither fish to help calm the tank.