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How badly metal objects affect a fish tank? An Awareness Guide

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Lots of people want to decorate their aquarium with metal things but they don’t know its side effects. If you are one of them then you should aware of it and then you should use certain metals in your aquarium.

Metal objects, specially made with iron, which are depreciable, have toxic effects. Its effects can’t see by bare eyes but after a while, this will lead to massive destruction of the gills of fishes. Apart from iron, aluminum is also responsible to destroy the respiratory organs of fish. Not only that, but the sharp edges of metal objects can hurt fishes badly also.

Now let’s discuss this topic in details

Can I put iron objects in a fish tank?

Lots of aquarists think that toys or any materials made with iron are good for fish. But these materials have side effects which are very bad. Materials that are made of iron can’t stay underwater for a long time. Rust will catch it definitely.

Rust is nothing but iron oxide which is known as ferric oxide (Fe3+). This forms with the touch of oxygen and water. Ferric oxide is not toxic to fishes, other microorganisms and aquatic plants according to the source but when the concentration of ferric oxide is more than 0.1mg/l, it will damage the gills of fishes definitely.

Another source tells us that Ferrous oxide (Fe2+) is more toxic than ferric oxide. A recent study shows that the liver of fish is the target organ of ferrous oxide. This is more soluble in water and after that, it oxidizes into an insoluble ferric oxide which covers the gill and fins. But a little bit quantity of rust is acceptable.

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Effects of aluminum objects in a fish tank

Aluminum seems to be right for the aquarium but actually, this is not. This is the worst thing that you can use for a fish tank. According to the source, aluminum objects react with water and form a thin layer of aluminum oxide over than object. This thin layer prevents those objects to react with water anymore.

But when this thin layer corrodes, then a highly flammable gas named Hydrogen releases. But hydrogen directly can’t kill fishes. This hydrogen gas can react with existing sulfur (comes from waste and organic material) and create hydrogen sulfide which is very harmful to fish.

Another source tells us that aluminum ions can insert into a fish’s gill and respiratory organ by osmosis. After going inside of the body the toxic effect starts.

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Is copper harmful to fishes?

According to the source, copper is such material that has been used to reduce algae level. Now at this point of view copper as a metal is important but if you put any material which is made by copper could be harmful to fishes.

When copper is submerged into the water for a longer time then chronic copper exposure affects fish’s health. It damages the immune system of fish. Some toxic released from copper can damage its respiratory organs also.

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Effects of other materials

Here other material means we can take lead, nickel, zinc, etc. If you are putting any material in your fish tank then we can assume that material is made with among these metals. So according to that lead is the most toxic metal for fishes. You must not consider putting anything into your aquarium which is made with lead. Lead can turn your healthy aquarium into a poisonous one. Lead can damage the neurons of fish and gradually this falls into death.

According to the source, nickel has its own chronic effects on fish. So don’t put anything made with nickel. By nickel, fishes can face hyperplasia, hypertrophy, shortening of secondary lamellae, and fusion of adjacent lamellae. This is a very hazardous pollutant so anything which is made with nickel can be very harmful to our whole aquarium set-up.

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Zinc is another metal that is not good for fishes or other aquatic plants and microorganisms. This metal is not directly poisonous like lead and nickel but the chronic effect of zinc is very much harmful to the whole aquatic system. Material made with zinc can increase the stress of fishes and this will lead to death after a while. This is a very slow process and that’s why you can’t even understand what’s wrong has happened with your fish tank.

According to the source, the effect of zinc metal depends on species to species. So this is another reason why you can’t understand its harmful effects.

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Final thoughts

From this discussion, we can understand that metals are very harmful to the aquatic system. Right? Even if that is good-looking, you should not consider putting it in your aquarium. So you can decorate your aquarium with lots of other things also. But I will recommend skipping metals to decorate your fish tank by keeping in mind its harmful effects.

So best of luck & happy fishkeeping 🐟

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